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Municipal WWTP Sludges
Aerobically Digested
Anaerobically Digested
Raw Sludge
Primary/Secondary Blends
Knot & Rejects Dewatering
Pulp Mill Knots
Screen Rejects
Recycle Mill Pulper Rejects
Cleaner Rejects
Blended Knots & Rejects
Septage & Grease Trap Sludge
Grease Trap Sludge
Portable Toilet Waste
Blended Septage/Grease
Pulp Thickening
Recycled Fiber
De-ink Pulp
TMP Pulp and Screen Rejects
Kraft Pulp
Sulphite Pulp
Pulp & Paper Dewatering
Recycle Mill Sludges
Blended Sludges
Dredged Sediment/Mud
Food Processing and Agricultural Applications
Spent Grain
Fish/Chicken Meal
Fruit/Vegetable Juicing
Fryer Crumbs
Waste products
Many other applications
Chemical Industry
Elastomeric Adhesives
Color Film Emusion
Latex Sludge
Ferrite/Metal Plating
Many other applications
Simultaneous Dewatering & Pasteurization - FKC Class A Process
Lime is added to liquid biosolids to raise the pH to 12 to meet EPA vector attraction reduction requirements. The lime treated biosolids are then flocculated with polymer, prethickened in an FKC rotary screen thickener, and then fed to a steam heated FKC screw press. Inside the screw press the biosolids are dewatered and heated to meet EPA pathogen reduction requirements. Screw press outlet consistencies are usually 30 to 50% dry solids.
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