Onsite Testing
Over forty years of screw press experience has shown us that every dewatering application is unique. FKC custom designs and builds each screw press we sell, so the more information that we have about an application, the better. The best way for FKC to gather the information that allows us to provide the optimum equipment for each application is to perform on-site testing with a pilot scale screw press. FKC has the ability to perform on site testing by using one of two screw press test trailers that we have based in North America. The trailers are self-contained, so only utility connections are necessary in order to conduct an on-site trial.

Onsite Testing Requirements
The host facility is responsible for coordinating with FKC and the freight company for the delivery, placement and retrieval of the test trailer.
The size of the test trailer is 40 feet long, 8 feet wide and 10 feet high. The host facility is responsible for providing a location for unloading, operating, storing and retrieving the test trailer. This location should also meet the water, power, sludge feed, sludge cake disposal and pressate discharge requirements below.
One 3/4 inch, male end, garden hose connection will be required for water supply to the test trailer.
A 460 or 575 volt, three-phase, 15 Amp power supply is required for the test trailer. The host facility is responsible for hook-up of power to the test trailer in advance of FKC personnel arriving for the on-site trial.
A sludge holding tank is located at the rear of the test trailer and will need to be filled intermittently at FKC’s request. The host facility is responsible for providing the sludge feed into this tank.
The FKC trial unit discharges the sludge cake into small bins. The host facility is responsible for providing a disposal method for this cake within reasonable walking distance from the test trailer.
The FKC trial unit also discharges the liquid or pressate through FKC supplied hose.
The host facility is responsible for providing a discharge location for the filtrate/pressate within 50 feet of the
test trailer.
If test runs are going to be performed with steam addition, FKC requests 3-5 gallons of kerosene in order to power the boiler on the test trailer.
Onsite Trial Agreement:
Onsite Testing Flyer: